CJEU Article 50 revocation case.
UK govt lawyer: UK govt has no position on whether #Article50 can be unilaterally revoked.
Eh? Extraordinary!
They can all go home then. It is all over bar the posturing.
That was quick!
EU Commission & EU Council have confirmed that #Article50 is revocable. All that remains is for CJEU to confirm specific legal parameters.
So, #Brexit now has (at least) three possible outcomes:
* Theresa May plan
* No deal
* UK unilaterally cancels Brexit (revokes Article 50)
#CJEU Advocate General Campos Sánchez-Bordona recommends court should find UK *can* unilaterally revoke Article 50
Still not definitive, but it would be extraordinary if this statement was contradicted.
I wonder if Theresa May is feeling the pressure.
#CJEU has now confirmed what was expected anyway: that the UK is free to unilaterally revoke #Article50 if it wanted to.