I was going to suggest to my husband @jbqueru to move to KDE's Kate code editor (currently he is using SublimeText, and previous VSCode), but there is no ruler feature on Kate. He kind of needs that for his arcane assemblers.
EDIT: sorted out, JBQ is switched to Kate.
@eugenialoli @jbqueru What do you mean by ruler? If that means a vertical line at some column then Kate does have this. You can enable it via menu View → Word Wrap → Show Static Word Wrapper. The column can be set in Settings → Configure Kate → Editing → Wrap Words At.
@eugenialoli @jbqueru Kate does remember the last session here. Using version 24.08.3. Usually I just launch the desired session directly by typing the name in KRunner, or hand pick it from the startup window. But also just tried setting Settings → Configure Kate → Session → Load Last used session, and it appears to work fine here.
@eugenialoli @jbqueru I see. You mean "anonymous" session, without explicitly saving one. I never noticed that since I never needed it. Probably best to file a wishlist report about this at
If it is not already in the system. Or if maybe somebody else knows if it is possible to enable that. I remember seeing it work with X11 session restore long time ago when I left Kate running and restarted the computer and it restored even unsaved files.