@codewiz What I wouldn't give to have some old Walnut Creek CD-ROMs. I see them going online from time to time, but whenever I do it's always when I'm a bit short on cash. I'll get there eventually :)
Especially eyeballing a good Slackware CD-ROM set ;)
Oh man! I had one of the infomagic 6-cd sets in 1997, and Debian 2.2 as well! <3
@codewiz pretty cool collection !
You can see part of mine on my banner image.
I have the same copy of Suse 6.3 too. It came for free inside the Quake 3 Linux version Box Set ( the tin can ).
And a boxed version of "Mandrake Linux 8.2, Power Pack Edition (Spanish Version)" that came with Netscape Navigator, Star Office and two awesome manuals!
@codewiz in the age stakes, OpenSolaris is old, but not vintage.
I have a SunOS 4.1.3 (Solaris 1.1) install CD. Now *that* is vintage :-)