does anybody else who's fascinated with #p2p #decentralized #DHT apps remember some ancient p2p network - maybe ed2k, that era - which would fall back to scanning all of ipv4 space to find other nodes if it couldn't connect to any other nodes or bootstrap servers at startup?
I read a paper on this in the 2000s. there was a degree of analysis of how long it'd take the network to re-establish itself given n disconnected nodes at the start. I'm looking for that paper/article.
boosts appreciated!
@sun eDonkey2000 and Gnutella are my two main suspects, based on very hazy memories from the mid-2000s of reading deep dives on P2P implementations
@sun noooo :( but maybe.
last I knew, ed2k turned into a zombie p2p network for botnet C&C, so maybe more than one client :)