DOJ: Google must sell Chrome, Android could be next
@jomo What could the business model of a browser be? Currently for all browsers it is enforcing your market position in other markets (eg. until recently, search). Any buyer of Chrome would want to use it the same way Google has.
@clonejo could be a subscription model where the browser or some of its features are not free
@jomo it would have to be a feature that has some cost to develop or run, in the current open source browser world it's very easy for a fork to clone it
browser engines are expensive, and everyone has been cross-financing it
@jomo maybe a good outcome would be to keep maintainership in some non-profit org. But funding still plays a huge role there.
I am tentatively proposing that some organization here in the EU — if not the EU itself — should buy Chrome.
Big investment, but a golden opportunity to fix the Internet.
65% of the planet uses Chrome, not even counting the dozens (100s?) of Chromium spin-offs....