Excellent short post about #Seasteading
"If putting a man on the moon had been a symbol of technocracy, @Seasteading is a symbol of self-organization"
@renan Hmm. You may be interested in the network state: https://thenetworkstate.com. Same kind of idea (power of exit), but a digital sea instead of a physical ocean.
@tkenben just realized I lost my notes on a Balaji's post about network states from a few years ago. Think there are some flaws there, but it is an excellent idea nonetheless.
Thanks for the reminder!
Paraphrasing a great #Cypherpunk "physical space is too small, there is more
'space' in #cyberspace"
@renan Definite flaws, but I like the fact that he is at least sane enough to admit them and acknowledge that it is a work in progress.
@renan I should have said sane enough to admit "some" of them. He is a bit headstrong in his vision.